Earthquake Survival for the Mind

When the very earth you trust starts to tremble and shake, and the walls of your home crumble to pieces before your eyes, it can be hard to feel anything but terrified and uncertain of the future. This is perhaps a glimpse of how survivors from Haiti and Chile must have felt. If the basis of our living is in jeopardy, there can be no progress of any kind. People live out on the streets unsure if the worst is yet to come. Food is in shortage, and looters are at large. Chaos spreads its unnerving cloak, leaving no room for peace and understanding. But thanks to the generosity of many around the world, survivors are hopeful, and the likelihood of restoring peace is real. When a society is content, it progresses into a better and healthier body. The key to any chaotic situation is in finding a way to restore the calm.
While this may sound obvious, it is hardly practiced in our lives. Many of us can’t stop the havoc created by our minds. We worry and plan, constantly thinking of the next agenda without pause. We miss out on the moment before us and live in our future or past. Our minds are in turmoil, and we can’t stop the thoughts. In a way, it is as though an earthquake has hit, and we aren’t equipped to deal with the nightmare.
If we can’t be peaceful, how can we progress? It is only a peaceful society that grows rich and strong. A tree cannot grow in an earthquake. It’s roots will grow deep only when the earth is settled. So, even though we may be miles away from Chile, let’s not take peace for granted. Let’s welcome it into our hearts and minds, and let unnecessary thoughts fade away so that we are able to be in the moment where we are needed most.
A silent and composed personality is much more beneficial to the society. When others are troubled and agitated, such a personality is capable of soothing and comforting others. But if we cannot develop innate peace, how can we bring peace around us? If others are crying, rather than taking care of them, we would also be crying. So, let’s strengthen ourselves and our personalities by establishing a peaceful temperament not only for ourselves but also in our work and for our families, our cities and beyond our borders.
If I must say, I found your article to be very valuable. Hats off to you. I could not agree with you more; the importance of maintaining mental stability especially in a chaotic world is vital. Keep on sharing, great job!